Sunday, April 22, 2018

#CharactersTell Background Character Week - Interview with Amanda Levi

And we're back for another week, and another #CharactersTell interview!
And as with every fourth week of the month, we're focusing on the background characters - the sort of people that live into your worlds, but that us, as readers, don't get to know much about: one of the faces in the crowds, one of the bodies hidden from sight in the houses of your books cities and villages, one of the drivers in the cars of that high-octane speed chase that just end up caught in the crossfire. They deserve some love too!

That's me! Some time ago...
Tonight we're hosting Amanda Levi. She's a woman, a wife and a mother coming from Cerulean Springs. A well mannered person, that tries to keep her neighborhood orderly along with her husband.

She comes from Tiogair, my recently released book now available on Kindle and Amazon - You can find the blogpost with the pitch, my experience writing it and all the links to get it following this link.
Of course, you can find me on Twitter (where you can follow me on this page). And if you wanna know more about me, there's the handy about section!

But! Let's get to it, shall we?


Well, good evening there! Welcome to the blog! Would you please introduce yourself, your author and the book you're from, please?

Why yes. Good evening. I'm Amanda Levi, wife of Arnold Levi. I'm an housewife, and I tend to our child, Leonard. He's such a nice boy, he's ten now. We live in Cerulean Springs, ex Colorado Springs, in the Evergreen Boulevard gated community. I mean, at least we still have that. Even if things went...a bit downhill since the Gatecrash. I'm from Manuel Arbanassi's Tiogair, his newest novel. He called it a cyberfantasy thriller with erotica elements.
Can't say I really approve of his choice of Main Character, though.

Aren't we off to a great start... Interesting. Why don't you approve of that choice?

Well, it's simple, really. It's glorifying what can be considered a disease. I really can't understand how people can't see it. Not to mention, me and my husband have seen this woman and honestly? She's not a good role model. She's violent. Foul mouthed. Last time my husband spoke to her, she even threatened him, can you believe that? Just because he went to talk to that...damn orc woman that lives on the other side of the street. It wasn't enough that her gardening almost got us attacked, now she stubbornly keeps living in this area. It's just wrong, what will the children think? They'll think it's normal! Do you know she's not even from here? She came from Wales or something.

You do sound pretty opinionated on the manner. Some would even say... a bit on the extremist side? I know for a fact there is quite a bit of backlash against this point of view in your world.

Oh, please. Don't tell me you are one of those blind people as well? You all should listen to the morning broadcasts on Springtime radio with Tatiana Fairwater. That woman is a genius. She knows what's up. Everyone seems to hide behind the shield of us being 'racist' or some other awful epithet when we're just trying to look after humanity and the future generations. Tell me, did you know Gatecrashers are a lot less compatible with implantation technology? Human technology? Doesn't it sound strange to you?

Then again, you're barking against something that mutated a lot of the population. Between a quarter and a fifth. It's not something that has an easy solution, especially due to the fact society still does need people to function.

This is such a trite argument. I could understand it three years ago, after the riots - God, it was such a terrible time, we were locked in our houses for days! - But now? Now we need to face reality. We need to do something about the Gatecrashers, and Ether and all this...this weirdness! This is not a safe environment for us or our children!

Is this what puts your family into conflict with the Orc woman? By all accounts, she sounds like a lovely lady.

For the love of- Listen. Please. It's not that we didn't like July. She was a lovely woman, and we all know that, but since the Gatecrash we really can't let all these weird stuff spill over into our little community. We managed to be all spared by the Gatecrash except July, and what does that do for our kids? How-How do we explain this? We already have to send him to school with other weird kids, and it's all so normalized. We're not saying we hate Gatecrashers and Ether, but we need to face facts, as Tatiana says. We need to realize they're not *normal*. They're victims, but, again, as she said in her article she posted earlier this month, if they really had the best interest of our community in their mind, they'd take steps *themselves* to be studied and hopefully cured.

Who says they need a cure, though? I mean, there's plenty of Gatecrashers and Ether users that are perfectly integrated in all aspects of society. Doesn't that invalidate your point?

That's just anti-humanist propaganda. For every good example you can give me, there's plenty of others that completely disprove your points. For every doctor that uses Corpus Magic to do good, there's someone who suffers from C.D.E.D, Corpus Dis...basically, they become monsters. For every good application of alchemy, there's another weird, poisonous substance on the market. For every adjusted member of society there's some sort of new racist, anti-human Gatecrasher society. It's time to put a stop to this.

Well...I guess that's an interesting rebuttal. Anyway, I'm afraid we're kinda out of time for tonight. Anything you'd like to say?

I can see how it is. Let me tell you. You won't be able to deny us for much longer. People are starting to see the truth, and luckily I'm married to an amazing man who is still trying to do his best for the community. We'll see who's right or wrong when that happens. We just want the best.

I'm sure you do. Thank you for your time, Amanda. Have a nice evening.

Thank you for having me, I guess. Not for much else. Goodbye. I'll leave you the links to the morning broadcasts, please do listen to them.


This concludes our brief (albeit intense) interview for tonight! I wonder what is it with characters from my book treating me badly...
But remember! You can have YOUR characters interviewed on this blog by sending me a direct message on Twitter! You can find the link to do so on the right-hand side of the page!
See you soon! Toodles!

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