Saturday, June 9, 2018

#CharactersTell Antagonist Week - Interview with Mathis Celsius

The summer brought with it storms, and storms brought with them a bit of a technical problem that made this post late... But I don't let pesky things like simple forces of nature stop me from putting out an interview!

Tonight's guest is Mathis Celsius - he is a bit of an hedonistic magician, working the clubs of Las Vegas and who made quite the name for himself - and along with that accumulated the money to pursue his goals.

He comes from Avrin Kelly's story "Feud". Avrin is a lovely author that you can find on Twitter through this link. Along with that, she runs the "Wicked Shorts" blog and an oddcast where she reads her stories with quite the lovely southern voice!

You can find "Feud" on Amazon through this link!
Along with that, there's Petit Demon, a short story that you can find here, and she's working on Menagerie, all stories you can see snippets of Mathis in!

But! Let's get to know Mathis, shall we?


And here we are! With the heat rising, we’re getting to know the people that tend to put our main characters on the hot coals… the antagonists! And to do that, we’ve got our guest for tonight: would you please introduce yourself, your book and your author for us?

My name is Mathis Celsius, but you can call me Matt. I was in a book called “Feud” by Avrin Kelly; if you can even call it a book. It’s like 12 pages long… but I guess we can’t all be winners, right?

Well, 12 pages is still quite something! And the shorter the work, the more likely you’ll be featured in more~ But! Tell us a bit about you. Where are you from? What do you do for a living?

I’m from Vegas. I’m a professional magician too. I’m pretty famous. People are stupid, they’ll pay $20 to watch anything they think might be supernatural… They have no idea that my “routine” is, in fact, quite real.

Ohh, from the city of sin, then! Tell us a bit about your routine on stage. Is there something you perform that is dearest to your heart? Do you have a theme, or a gimmick?

My ‘theme’ is money. My gimmick is shock value. I'm good at illusions, and it freaks people out. Most people don’t expect to see their dead relatives on stage when they go see a show in Vegas, but at my shows, they might.

So you deal with the spirit world? How did you get started into the realm of the supernatural? How did you figure out what sort of things you can do?

Nope. I don’t really deal with the spirit world. I just fuck with people. I got put on this road by my father. You’d think he would have been horrible, to sire a guy like me, but he wasn’t. He was a good guy, and a Magician, like yours truly. We Magicians ‘borrow’ magic from other supernatural beings, because we don’t have our own. We are just human. But, my father, he died indebted to a Warlock. (A pretty powerful one). So guess who had to pick up the slack? You don’t skip out on your bill when a Warlock is involved. Even death won’t get you off the hook…

Is this what brought you to be like this? You seem to be quite self-aware that your route isn’t particularly good, to introduce your father in such a way. Is the anger for being forced to pay that bill what fuels your contempt?

I just fucking hate Warlocks. They’re self righteous. They think they’re better than everyone else. If I had a nickel for everytime I outsmarted that half-wit, Thierry, I’d be even richer than I am now. You see, Warlocks are the fundamental problem with our world. If they had someone to police them, this rock wouldn’t suck so hard, and the supernatural community wouldn’t be so… fucked.  

From the way you put it, I suppose you’re not the only person who feels like this. Do you have a lot of allies? Has an insurgence against the warlocks ever happened?

Not yet. They have too many people on their side. They have the Council of Scholars, those guys are immune to magic; so they're hard to get to. Then you have the Warlocks themselves, they’re nearly impossible to hurt or even talk to (for that matter). The Quorum, those who control the Witches of this world, all they care about are themselves… It’s basically every magic person for themselves. Its bullshit.

I can imagine that. So, is your acting like you’re a bad guy actually just a front? You seem to have quite the strong political views, and you seem to have a contempt for the treatment of the supernatural world from these people. Are you trying to make it right?

I’m simply going to punish the man who ruined my father. Yet another Warlock… And I promise, I’m not acting. I’ve done some horrible things to get to where I am now. It’s taken a lot of work and patience. And if Thierry thinks he’s going to stop me, he’s out of his mind. Period.

I see. Let’s try to talk about something a bit more lighthearted for a bit, shall we? How’s the summer in Vegas? What’s your favorite season?

Winter. But I don’t spend my winters in Vegas. A lot of times I go to Galway, Ireland. Magic is stronger there for some reason. That’s probably why the Scholars have their base of operations there. I have a hidey hole in Galway. The scenery is beautiful. Whenever I go out there, it’s the only time I ever feel like my old self again. The only time I can ever be truly alone too, which is hard to do when you're famous.

Ireland *is* a beautiful country indeed. So, if you like winters so much, how do you cope with summers? I imagine Vegas can get pretty blazing hot. Do you have any summer-specific pastimes?

Does titty-watching at my private pool count?

Hard to say it doesn’t, to be perfectly honest. Ornithology is a great hobby.

There are some rare, dirty birds in Vegas…

Heh. I can imagine that. Speaking of which - we are in a certain month. Have you ever experimented?

Absolutely. I enjoy the company of anyone with half a brain.

That must make for some interesting pool parties… Tell us. You seem to be one who enjoys the finer things in life as much as some calm and relaxing time… What is the wildest sort of party you ever were part in or organized?

I’d have to say conjuring succubi would be at the top of my list. I was just studying, practicing magic as one does, and it worked. This succubus had the ability to copy herself at will (as any sex, mind you), and believe me you… she did. That was a helluva day.

Damn! I can imagine that… But! I’m afraid we’re getting out of time for tonight’s interview - is there anything you’d like to tell to our audience? You have free reign.

I would say this: the rebellion is coming, so don’t get too comfortable. I’ve only just begun to strike. Thanks for having me Manuel, you're a pretty cool guy.

The pleasure was mine! Can’t wait to see more of you and the other stories in this world! Thank for your time, and have a nice day!

You too, brah.
*winks* Call me.

Uhhhf...Quite the heated ending there. I do have to admit I am intrigued, not to mention the thoughts of a private pool and ornithology along with good company and succubi does sound quite intriguing.
But! That is it for tonight's interview! As always, YOU can have YOUR characters interviewed on this blog! Just send me a message on Twitter and we'll sort you out!
Another reminder that, for all your characters gripes, the bar down in #CharactersHell, co-hosted by the lovely @Ladyofmind, is always open!
Hope to see you guys around!

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